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 December 12, 2019

Eight million American families experience tragedy and grief every year.  People tend to move on after three weeks as though nothing has happened; and after three months, they expect the griever to move on also.  Anyone who has experienced grief knows that's not the way it is.


In the last few days I've come across individuals who have told me about a friend of theirs that has suffered the loss of a son and another, the unexpected death of their father.  I was able to provide them with materials they could use to help their friend's family over the immediate loss, as well as the days and months to come.


Please pray with me for churches to provide the resources necessary for their people to effectively reach out to others in the journey through grief.  Have your church leadership check out for links to resources which are available and inexpensive, or have them contact me.


I am asking for prayer for Brian Daigle and me.  We are planning a trip into Mexico February 1-8.  Pray also for God's leading as I schedule meetings in Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and perhaps more, through the months of March and April.


Prayer is essential and is my number one request because 'where God guides, God provides'.


If you have a particular prayer request you would like to share with God's 4H Club, let me know and I will pass it on.


From the heart,

Pastor Vail



Isaiah 58:11  The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; 

You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.


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