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January 7, 2021

It was my privilege to close out 2020 by sharing at GraceChurch in Windham and starting 2021 speaking at Community of Grace in Westbrook.  I was encouraged by the response at both places.  Community of Grace is considering starting their own 4H Club mailing within their church.  I, for one, think that is a great idea.  They are closer to the congregation and aware of their needs.  The need for such a ministry is essential.


I recently spoke with a family whose father died in an accident.  They received a few meals and nothing else.  Three months have gone by and no one from their church has reached out to them.  They are feeling hurt and neglected.  The time we invest in ministering to those who are grieving is time well spent.  People quickly forget our sermons; but they remember our kindness, especially those dark hours when we were walking with them through the valley.  The time devoted to ministering to broken hearts is not just spent—it is invested.


Continue to pray for the Lord’s leading and open doors for the days and year ahead.  My personal ministry to hurting families seems to be growing more and more as time passes.  If you have any questions, prayer requests, or leads for me to follow up, please let me know through or call me at 207-831-0560.


In Christ,


Pastor Vail



Isaiah 58:11  The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; â€‹

You shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

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