We are ministering to the flock as well as the Community. Today I met with the brother of a victim of the shooting and the 4H Club was valuable. I gave him a long hug. He nearly broke down in my arms. We raked his leaves today, which although a small task, was something overwhelming to him. As we did, we listened. We will continue to be interacting with the Community in the weeks to come.
(Church member in Lewiston)
You're in my prayers daily. I don't know how I would have gotten through my Dad's death without the grief share group. I thank you so much for your part in that and pray that many more will be as blessed with your new project. Keep looking up. In His love. Barb
Dear Pastor Vail,
I am writing on behalf of the Allenville Christian Church in Illinois. Most of our members are older and instead of putting their stories on the computer, they just shared them with me.
Every member in our little church has told me that they have used at least one, if not all, of the 4H's. We have had a few deaths since you left and many hospital visits. They have stepped up and either called family members, stopped by and gave them a hug, been there in case they needed help, and most of all they have followed up with them when the family member got home from the hospital, or if family passed, they hung in there with them.
We thank you for sharing with us, making us aware of what we can do to help others in time of need. Thanks again and God bless.
Pastor Bob
Hi Pastor Vail,
I wanted to share a couple things with you. First, I think you should listen to a great song by Ryan Stevenson "When We Fall Apart". I also wanted to thank you again for your visit to Grace Church; God's timing is always perfect.
On July 4th, we lost a colleague and friend. He had been in the flooring industry for over 40 years, a salesman that was so loved by so many people. Steve worked for the same tile distributor for his entire career; he was so many people's go to person for tile questions. At only 68 he joined Jesus' army of angels and I know he's singing loud and proud now. Steve had an amazing voice and always brought light into our store on his visits.
As I quietly sat and listened to all the wonderful stories, I just kept remembering your 4H's sermon; and it brought me comfort and made it easier to be there for everyone else. Going to this funeral I had a different feeling—I wanted to go. Like most people, I used to go, but did not want to. This was a new feeling and you are to thank for this. Thank you very much.
Hello Pastor Vail,
I hope this note finds you well and happy. I sincerely thank you for the fourth pamphlet in the Journey through Grief series and your accompanying words of comfort.
I believe we are all united by grief and by celebration. The celebration is easy, the grief—not so much. So when the final pamphlet arrived, I eagerly read it and once again, verified that “Yes, I’m normal” and “Yes, I’ll be OK”. As always, I keep the memory stone close and it is a comforting reminder of her unconditional love. Many times when I pick it up I say (out loud), “Hi, Mom!”
Please know that I am grateful for your prayers and your many kindnesses. You can be sure my mom would love you for being so kind to her daughter.