I am Pastor Darwin Vail and I have served as pastor of Bible Believing Baptist Church in Gray, Maine, for 37 years. I came to Gray with my wife Janet and three small children in 1982. When I arrived, the church consisted of a cellar, an outhouse, and about 20 people. There is a book written, Where God Guides, God Provides, which tells the story of how God established the church on a cash principle and more.
I have now transitioned from pastoring that church to promoting Compassion's Calling. Wherever God opens the doors for me to speak, be it churches, groups, or individuals, I will share Compassion's Calling in the context of the blessings of longevity.

September 14, 2024
Podcast from Simple Faith Radio Broadcast - Dale Carlson

Others are not likely to find our beliefs credible unless they see that we are as concerned about them as we are about ourselves.
Our Mission
To equip people for grief ministry and
to encourage the church to provide
the tools to do it.
(2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Jude 22, Isaiah 61:1-2a)
"People don’t care about how much
we say we care until they first see
how much we care."

Our Vision
Through experience and practice
when the principles of Compassion’s Calling are followed, four things happen:
Brings a positive influence for Christ in the church
Builds the body of Christ over time.
Believers, young and old, are qualified for the task.
Compassion makes the difference.
We pray others will take heed
and put Compassion's Calling principles
into practice in their lives.